Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our New Home...

Some of you may have noticed a distinct lack of blog updating from Ju and myself. Well tempus fugit and our only excuse is that much of our time was dedicated to matters of over indulgence and general gluttony. We have much updating to do and so the best way forward is to work backwards. Starting with our new home...

Ju and I have now moved to the 'Home Counties' and our new home is in East Sussex. Our thatched cottage (how cool is that?) sits just outside the charming little village of Alfriston. As wonderful as it sounds, living in a thatched cottage has certain, er, disadvantages. For example, there is such a thing as a cess pit. That means all liquid leaving the house gets collected into a giant pit of, well, cess. The only way to check if this pit is full, is to lift the hatch. Imagine, the intriguing aroma of urine, human crocodiles, dishwater, toothpaste and bathwater happily fermenting away for months on end. That is what assaults my refined nasal passage every time a check is required. Also, the heating is an issue. There are radiators, but they generate as much heat as a tray of ice cubes. So in the current -5 degrees weather we are suffering from such things as hypothermia and mild frostbite. But at least it is pretty to look at:)

I have a new job as a child protection social worker in the area and while she is waiting for the reluctant cogs of bureaucracy to turn, Ju is taking this opportunity to bake me lots of cakes and delicious meals.

While, quite clearly, we are no longer under the Aussie sun (or any sun for that matter), we still have some more posts to put up: including our tales of Ancient Egyptian wonders and the fabulous levels of food consumption in New York.


mozzie said...

Glad the blog's back up and running.

Can't wait to come and visit your quaint country cottage (this week-end in fact)but do hope that the temperature will have risen by then. I hate warming my backside on a radiator full of ice cubes.

Anyway, welcome home, our little migrating birds. You can't imagine how happy Dad and I are to know that you weren't enchanted by the call of the outback.

Keep up the good work (blogwise)
Vouzzie (aka Julie's Mum)

valentina said...

un monstre rouge, un soldat, et sourtout un mec sympa qui trasport un tonneau de vin: c'est bien bizzare vos maison!

bien révenus en Europe

David from Leith said...

Hola J & P! Are you still reading this?

I am very impressed with your abode. Well worth the frostbite.

Get back to me if you are still looking at this and let me ken your email address.

Now you re working for the local authority again Phil, you have lots of time to keep me entertained with daytime email musings......

Salut a Vous!