Well, we just spent 5 lovely days in Banstead, Surrey, England, United Kingdomof Great Britain, Europe, the World, the Universe. We got really cold, and a little bit depressed with the rain and fog, but we had a some great moments by the fireplace, and last saturday was a late Bonfire night. The whole family and friends were there, and it was lovely to sit by the fire at the bottom of the garden, drink mulled and roast marshmallows until 2 o'clock in the morning.
Unbeliebably enough, we are back on the plane tomorrow. Destination: Egypt. We are going for 4 weeks in total (Egypt for 3 and New York for 1) and will not have acces to the internet until we come back. So please don't come and check for some updates for the next month. I will send you an email to let you know when there is something new. Phil is buying his camera at the airport tomorrow, the one he's been dreaming about for 1 year. He is very (VERY) excited about it and hoping to impress you with some nice shots, so keep yourseves posted.
Before I leave, I would also like to apologise to everyone I owe an email or two to, meaning, most people on my address book. I have been very busy lately and will not be able to write until I come back. I love you all very much, though :)
While you are waiting for Phil's photograhic pieces of art, please have a look at this website/blog. It's funny, well done, advert-free and for a good cause. Enjoy.
just outside the Heathrow, at a nice 5 degrees.
Voila, c'est deja la fin de notre sejour chez les parents de Philip ou nous avons passe 5 jours tres agreables avec la famille et les amis. Il est deja temps de repartir. Demain matin, nous prenons l'avion pour Sharm el Sheikh, les poissons de la mer Rouge nous attendent de pieds fermes, parait-il! On sera en Egypte pour 3 semaines et a New York pour une.
A notre retour, on publiera nos photos, mais en attendant, ca va etre silence total sur le blog. Je vous enverrai un email pour vous dire quand nous aurons mis nos photos sur notre blog, pas la peine de checker entre temps, on y sera pas! Mais ca risque de valoir le coup puisque Philip s'achete son nouvel appareil photo demain, a l'aeroport.
Je voudrais aussi m'excuser a tous mes amis et famille a qui je dois un email ou deux. J'ai ete tres occupee ces derniers temps, je suis sure que vous comprenez. Je serai toute a vous des mon retour.
En attendant notre retour, je vous invite a visiter un blog. C'est drole, bien fait, sans pub, et pour la bonne cause. Que demande le peuple?
A bientot sur vos ecrans, Ju et Phi
1 comment:
le blog est genial (surtout le 20 novembre!!)
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