Friday, May 16, 2008

And the motor stops turning...

Good day to you all.

Short blog entry today I'm afraid. Since our last update we have been wondering around Uluru and a few neighbouring national parks. We'll write more about that and post some pics when we reach Darwin.

In short, we have spent three days broken down 15 Km north of Barrow Creek. This aint the best spot for a backpacker to breakdown in but lots of people stopped by to make sure we were alright. Ju even got a ride with the police!

In essence, the front seal has gone on the gear box and it was bleeding transmission fluid at 3 litres for 30kms of distance. We were hundreds of kms from any town and we were being quoted 500 pounds for towing (despite our roadside assistance insurance). So we found ways to drive it kicking and screaming to Tennant Creek.

It's a massive job to fix and they wouldn't be able to do it here until next week. So we are sending the car on a road train to Dawrin and we'll catch a bus up there tonight. We'll have it fixed then, but as I said, it is a big job and we'll be up there for quite some time so we'll write more up there.

But we were always safe, had plenty of water, food, shade and the passing traffic were very kind to us.

Speak to you later. Philip and Ju


Celia said...




jul said...

Bon ben c'est pas la fête quoi... pleins de bisous tout frais pour vous.
ps: conseil de copine: mangez des crêpes avec plein de chocolat, ça vous redonnera du courage :)

Jess said...


vannina said...

ooVu un programe sensas sur les scarabee egyptiens, des cafards en somme. Quel tacot cette bagnole alors... Lesli++ sera la por le week end. Callum has discoered the pleasure of bein messy and fitting 2 potatoes in his moth and keep pushinf them in. hilarious.