Friday, October 24, 2008

Les Francais en Australie...

In the middle of Australia, Phil was happily sipping on a particularly delicious single malt while critically analysing the entire works of Virgil. Then he made a peculiar encounter and was not at all impressed. Not that the all French are pot smoking, shoe-less, smelly, dreadlocked, pseudo-hippies. Far from it. It just happens that all the ones that are seem to have found themselves around us.


valentina said...

uh uh uh! je connais aussi des italiens comme ça. mais toi aussi, Phil: lire VIRGIL en AUSTRALIE!!!! : le pauvre français a pensé que tu devait etre un peu fumée aussi :-)

il pleut il pleut il pleut ici. tommaso et moi on a passé le samedi à Ikea ( nous étions la version toscan de Benny Hill!). ça pouvait etre un video très rigolot!


Ju and Phil said...

Alright, it might not have been Virgil after all. I can't really remember, it could have been Tolstoi or was it a Beano comics? I'm not too sure anymore.
But that's not the point!
We only met one Italian couple during our trip, and they were eating pasta; so nobody was shocked.

valentina said...

mais.. c'était pasta au ragu (nord), à la carbonara (Roma), ou amatriciana (Napoli)... ?? ah, la pasta!

Ju and Phil said...

Question pertinente! Je suis pas sure, je crois que c'etait de la pasta avec rien dedans. Beh oui, ce sont des italiens peut-etre, mais n'oublions pas que ce sont aussi des backpackers!
Qui dit backpackers, dit pas assez d'argent pour acheter des tomates ET du hashish.
La vie est une question de priorites!

valentina said...

the article is in italian, but the pictures speak for everybody. the world has to know what's going on in Italy, in the heart of Europe, next door.
please, have a look to these pictures and also to the web site

vannina said...

on dit que les vieux couples finissent par se ressembler...Il faudra qu'on en discute avec les parents de JUlie alors je remarque que le style de JUlie change et est de + en + flamboyant! Suis je la seule? Vannina

mozzie said...

Interesting comment, Vannina. Do you mean Julie's less BCBG (bon chic bon genre) and more HHA (hippy happy Aussie)?
We can elaborate on this subject when we see you and Frank next week-end. Looking forward to it,
(aka Julie's mum)