Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here it is!

Finally, we have managed to take photos of our car (and home for the next few months). And here it is, exclusively, for you... We bought it with 7 seats, like so. But in order to make it more homely, we decided to get rid of the three seats in the middle and put a table in place, like so...

We spent some time cleaning it, and it's now ready to go. Wouhou! We also spent the whole day yesterday getting ready for the big trip, buying all we need (at least, anything we could think of, and was still in our price range. No, Philip, we can't really afford a solar powered home cinema, with surround sound and plasma screen, and DVD player incorporated).

It was Christmas come early for Phil, though. You should have seen the delight on his face when we entered QuickCar, the car shop on Bondi Junction. Apparently, we needed a shovel to dig the wheels out when we're stuck (
and to dig little holes to hide our crotes aka poops) and something that looks suspiciously like a cheap Biro, but in fact, tells you the tyre pressure (so that we can drive on the beach) and a toolbox. We bought food, plenty of it (you know us).
But now I see the type of food we bought, I'm worried we'll get scurvy! Thankfully, we've got orange juice, for the vitamin C :) So, the only thing missing, was something to keep me warm at night (you know me)! Now, we're ready to go. En route pour l'aventure!


jul said...

"So, the only thing missing, was something to keep me warm at night (you know me)! Now, we're ready to go."... don't quite get it... did you find it? or does Philip will do the job? :)
Anyway, i've noticed there isn't much nutella (du ou de la..the mystery hasn't been solved yet..) in your food sure you're alright? i'm a wee bit worried about you julie..

Nick J said...

Phil, why did you buy a toolbox? It will weigh your car down and not much else! :)

Julie, if he is checking the water, remind him to put the cap back on!

I hope you have packed gaffa tape and plastic ties...

Jess said...

eh on dirait une des voitures de "Pimp my ride" votre truc ! ca roule ?

J'ai trouvé cela aussi très etonnant de ne pas voir de LA Nutella( m'enfin Julie !) sur les photos...Moi je viens de m'enfiler une pizza à la Nut à midi, ben c'est vachement bon...arf !

jul said...

une pizza a la nutella??? mmmmmmmmmmm.....suis trop jalouse la...
(1000% d'amr.. (apport mensuel recommende))

Nick J said...

Is Riise the best defence you've got? Oh deary me! Arsenal have plummeted like an apple made from lead onto a suprised (and later concussed) Newton, but that truly was awful.

jul said...

bon ben les filles, 6 jours sans crois que c'est officiel.. Julie et Philip nous ont laisse le blog pour nous toutes seules...
Go on girls!

Jess said...

ca va être la teuffffffffffff !
Celia, au rapport !!

jul said...

houhou? y a quelqu'un ???

Jess said...

jul c'est julie qui a perdu un i et un e ?

mozzie said...

Just got back from a week's training course in Lille and looking forward to catching up on THE BLOG. But hey! no new postings!
Come on kids, come out from hiding, we know you're in there somewhere hiding behind some great billabong tree or something.
Let's have some news and some pics.
ps Lille's a great city and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

jul said...

oui, j'ai perdu mon ie en route... ;/
n'empeche c'es vrai tout..pas la peine de se la jouer, genre on a acheter un laptop expres pour avoir acces a internet partout ou on va, et plus voila, plus de fait plus d'une on n'a pas le temps, on est trop occupe a manger...