Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We knew he'd do it.

So for once there is a positive buzz about on the world scene. The critics will be quick to pounce, but for the moment we are just enjoying riding the wave and will savour actually having so many people's dream and hopes coming true. He may not be our leader and when I look at Mr Brown, I cannot help but feel a little, well, deflated and uninspired. So, I'll just look accross the water to see what the yankydoodahs are doing.

We first heard about this fellow just over two years ago and right from the start we had our money on him. Only we didn't put it where our mouth is. Shame. The odds would have been good if we did.

Well, let's hope he doesn't go Tony Blair on us. Full of promise and hope and then went totally insane with a brigt flash of hubris. Time will tell, but for the moment I am delighted he won and it is the closest thing to good knews, internationally speaking, I have witnessed since the Berlin Wall crumbled. At least that I can think of anyway. While his policies may not be water tight, considering the alternatives, I am delighted.

If any of you have some spare money and a time machine, I suggest buying a couple of first edition, first print copies of his two books... because they are now worth a fortune and will certainly be a collector's item if he lives up to expectation.


Jess said...

a change is gonna come....

et vous vous comez quand ?!!!

Ju and Phil said...

Bientot. Youpi!
On prend notre premier avion lundi prochain, et apres 243 autres avions, on arrivera a Londres mardi. On ne restera que quelques jours chez les parents de Philip (le temps de dire bonjour a toute la famille, de faire des gros bisous aux joues si douces de Callum et de celebrer a Penny for the Guy) et on repart pour L'Egypte le 18 Novembre. On sera de retour pour de bon le 14 decembre, juste a temps pour attrapper la grippe avant Noel :) Ma date de retour en France dependra du nombre de decrochage d' entretiens pour un job en janvier, mais des que je rentre, promis Jess, j't'appelle et on s'fait une bouffe.

Jess said...

eh tu penses à moi pour a penny for the guy, hein ?!