Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cheeky dog


Jess said...

OK,la Jess elle comprend mieux !

mozzie said...

Happy Birthday, Philip.We hope you have a lovely day and that your loving wife will have baked you your favourite cake atop with candles.
love from us both,
Rose and Hubert

Celia said...


Lots of love from Thomas, Celia and the two monsters.

Nick J said...

There once was a man called Phil,
whose stomach just wouldnt stand still
on his birthday he said
just some butter and bread
because everything else makes him ill
Only joking mate, but dont stuff yourself too much on your birthday!
Happy Birthday Groves!

valentina said...

Buon compleanno!

Jess said...

Joyeux anniversaire le Philippe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plein de bisous fous !

Anonymous said...

Hi there my intrepid pair!

Joyeux anniversaire Phil - shamelessly taking my cue from the other contributors.....

Sorry I have been so poor in commenting on your fantastic endeavours. I would generally read your blog, laugh heartily, girn jealously and then set down to write a response. Then I would realise that I didn't have a google account so would slope off, promising myself I would really, really, sign up the next time...

All well in Edinburgh. Amy off to the South of France today with her mammy. Phil, I met your crowd a few weeks back at the cultural behemoth that is the Roslin fair.

So glad that you are having such a great time!

All the best,


mozzie said...

Quel coquin, ce dingo!Une ami m'a parlé d'un fait divers il y a pas mal d'années maintenant dans le outback d'Australia quand une mère a dit qu'un dingo avait pris son bébé. Ce n'est que quelque temps plus tard que la police l'a arrêté pour le meutre de son enfant. Macabre non? Mais cela démontre la reputation de ces charmantes bêtes!
Sur une note plus gaie, j'adore toujours tes déssins ma chèrie, même si ça t'oblige à laisser pauvre Philip se démèné tout seul avec ce chien fou pendant que tu sors ton crayon et cahier à déssin.
bisous à vous deux
( aussi connue sous le nom de 'maman' )

Ju and Phil said...

Je viens de demander a Terrii a propos du dingo et apparement, ca n'a jamais ete resolu, on ne sait toujours pas la verite. Un peu comme l'histoire de ce backpacker anglais qui a ete tue dans la bush, on ne sait toujours pas si c'est sa copine ou un outbacker qui l'a tue.
C'est dodgy tout ca. Nous, on fait tres attention. Par exemple, on ne tombe pas en panne en plein milieu du outback, exactement au meme endroit ou le backpacker anglais s'est fait tue, et on n'autorise pas les dingos a s'approcher de nous et de nos appareils photos.

Ju and Phil said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot:
well done Dave for setting up a Google account! You did well!
Seriously though, so nice to hear from you.
Any chance you could show Matt how to set up an account:)
Nick - you were a poet and I didn't know ... it! Sorry best I could do.
Thanks Celia, Rose, Jess and Valentina for your birthday wishes. I did eat an obscene amount of red meat and Ju made me delicious brownies!