Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Just a little drawing to keep you guys waiting until we come back from our second trip to the Great Barrier Reef, with the sharks and the turtles. We are leaving early tomorrow morning and will be back on Monday (the 14th: Vive la Revolution and Happy Birthday dear Max!)

A few words though, before I go to bed.
All my drawings are based on true stories that we exprience on our journey, so that includes the flip-flops and the over-sized raincoat.
I've also been asked a few times how I do them. Well, avec les moyens du bord, as we say at home. I just draw the picture with a pencil on a piece of paper, go over the lines with a black pen, take a picture of the drawing, and colour it using photoshop.
Hope you like this one. It was in Melbourne, a few months ago, although it seems like ages ago.


Celia said...

Have a great time!

Il pleut aussi comme vache qui pisse ici...

Bravo pour le dessin.


Jess said...

je VEUX que tu m'apprennes à faire ça.
Et j'adorerais que tu fasses un genre d'album de dessins qui retraceraient des moments clé de Bréti...t'as le temps, non, ma petite feignasse australienne !!