Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's been a while ...

Hey everyone,

After a long period in the wild and having to forage and scrounge out a living in the bush my wife and I have returned to civilization with the express goal of writing to all of you. As you can see, we have updated the blog with a few posts so scroll down to start from where we left off.

Some of you have expressed concern that Ju has not bought any nutella. Let me reassure you that I decided that nutella is not necessary and have chosen to purchase a jar of crunchy peanut butter instead.


jul said...

crunchy peanut butter "INSTEAD"???
RULE No 1 :

Celia said...

Blimey, there are probably more pictures of food than of scenery!

You guys are obsessed!

Good to have you back though!

Happy travelling and bon appétit!

valentina said...

it's wonderful to read about your adventures. in Italy it's raining so hard and we have Berlusconi back. could you imagine something worse?
back to work :-(
P.S. (I know I'm in late but.... PISTACCHIO FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Martine said...

Moi je crois que Julie ne peut pas se passer de chocolat, encore moins de Nutella ! Je suis vos aventures même si je ne me manifeste pas souvent et je suis heureuse de voir que tout va pour le mieux. Plein de bisous à vous 2
Coucou Rose, j'espère que vous allez bien, je t'appellerai un soir prochain, promis !