Sunday, April 13, 2008

We have come out into the light...

As some of you blogites may have observed, our posts have been a little thin on the ground lately. While you may have thought that we were surfing by day and gorging ourselves on culinary feasts by night, I’m afraid that the reality is less attractive.

For the last week, we have been scouring Sydney for a car to take us on our expedition to skivery. It was not a particularly palatable experience and I have come to the conclusion that all used car salesmen should be promptly rounded up and dispatched of at the earliest possible convenience. Their smug, self-assured attitude infuriated me. I found that when they spoke, it was not words that came out of their mouths but vile and putrid sounds that were laced with lies and treachery. What I found to be particularly fascinating was the fact that they expect you to believe in their integrity. Fools.

There was, however, one lesson to be learned. Used car salesmen will bully women, or try to. It was amusing to see them try to be heavy handed with my wife. They had clearly failed to do their homework. If they had, they would have known that Ju is a) French b) a teacher c) Rose’s daughter and d) in a perpetual state of chocolate withdrawal. Had they known all of this, they would have taken a different approach. Much to their chagrin, those that didn’t heed the obvious warning signs quickly understood that my wife doesn’t take any crap from anyone, especially not condescending, knobbly kneed nincompoops.

Asides from the sales yards, we also made a daily descent into ‘The Car Market’. This is where slimy, filthy, diseased and flea-ridden backpackers come to sell their vans after touring Australia. This place can only be described as a cold, gloomy and damp subterranean cavern filled with the smell of urine and cannabis smoke hanging thick in the air. Each vehicle must be accompanied by its soap dodging owner who will try to convince you that his stench filled, vomit coated, rust ridden vehicle is ‘perfect’ for our ‘romantic’ trip. While my wife bravely remained open minded and insisted in exploring each seemingly repugnant vehicle for its benefits, I remained at a comparatively safe distance, urging Ju onwards to the next vehicle.

As it happens, it was in this place that we found a combination of what we wanted. I wanted a ruddy great big 4X4 to tear-up the outback and knock over a Kangaroo to BBQ and Ju wanted a wee bit of comfort. So we bought a Nissan Patrol LPG (GPL), which means it will save a massive amount in fuel and is more economical than petrol. It even came with a surf board and a body board. So we are all set then. The best of all is that we no longer have to descend into Hades or make deals with devils...

I quite happen to agree.


Jess said...

euh...suis en plein combat traductif (?!) avec mon dico anglais-francais, je reviens d ici quelques minu...heures.
En tout j ai compris chagrin et urine.Merci Philippe de disperser qq mots francais de temps en temps.
Mais si ca pouvait etre des mots plus gais et plus jolis, ca m arrangerait aussi .
Bisous !

Celia said...

Cher public,

I'm back, after possibly the worst wedding anniversary weekend in the world!

Bravo pour la voiture, vous partez quand?

Bisous bisous

mozzie said...

Hey folks, have you ever heard of the Wiggles? They are Australia's best-kept secret. Last year they earned more then Nicole Kidman and AC/DC (two other famous Aussie products) put together.

It's a boy's band (well, they're actually about fortyish now)for little children, and I'm talking one and a half year old's here.
They've been on the scene about 15
years and do tv shows and touring shows which sell out before you can say Jumping Jack Flash.Not to mention dvds, Wiggles dolls, etc...

The fab four always wear the same uniform - each one has their own coloured t-shirt and matching ski trousers.
They invent songs which at first sight seem extremely silly but after having listened to them a couple of times you can't get them out of your bloody head. Now, I know you're all thinking, what on earth is Rose doing watching dvd's made for 1 year olds?
Well, I happen to have had a marathon of the same Wiggles dvd over this last week end as Hubert and I were looking after Celia and Thomas' boys as they gaily whizzed off to have the 'worst wedding anniversary in the world' ( see comment above).
Anyway, just thought I'd share this little piece of useless information with you all and hope you'll be able to use it at some future dinner party.
Here's one of their songs on Youtube if you feel like a singalong :
A Wiggles wave to all (another of their specialities)
mozzie (rose)

jul said...

Oh..Why was it the worst wedding anniversary week end in the world???

(oups..sorry Celia, i almost forgot it wasn't actually your blog ...:))
(i hope it wasn't that bad though...)

Anyway..dear happy bloggers :) great about your car! how is it going to work then, while you'll be away?? does that mean we have to take the blog over officially...? or does the wifi work in the bush? :)

jul said...

hey, jess, t'exagere..Urine c'est joli comme mot ..c'est chantant, tu trouves pas? :)

Jess said...

ben en meme temps ca rime avec farine, bassine,cabine,aspirine...donc c'est pas forcement le mot que j'utiliserais pour faire une chanson à la JJG, mais bon...sait on est capable de tout le bougre !

jul said...

ben ouais, il pisse bien dans un bocal apres tout...